Nearly a quarter century ago, Karen and I embarked upon a journey called parenting. We began the journey with high hopes, loads of faith, and a certain amount of confidence, inspired by the fact that we turned out OK, so how hard could it be?
Oh, how little we knew.
And now, here we are at the other end of that journey, facing the prospect of an empty nest in a couple of short years. Along the way we added three boys to our crew, and together we have spent over two decades living life and learning how to make it all work. It wasn’t always easy, and we certainly made our share of mistakes, but we also stumbled across some pretty good insights.
This blog is a collection of tales from our adventure of raising three sons. Most of these stories have long since passed into our family lore; they’re the ones that seem to come up again and again when we’re gathered around a common table. They involve things like Loaded Omelet Biscuits, wooden spoons, donut days, monsters, push-ups, secret hand signs, and much more.
Many of the stories involve good ideas we picked up through the years, mostly from other parents (our own included), and adapted for our own uses. It’s my hope that you’ll be able to do the same.
So pull up a chair. We’ve added a leaf to the table and put on a pot of coffee for your visit.
(just click on the “Blog” link above to get started)