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Posts Tagged With: Tucker

The Other Side of Experience

If you want to build something that lasts, you have to have a proper foundation. Building a family works the same way.  If you can start off with a solid foundation the chances are better (though not guaranteed) that whatever you end up building on top of it will be more secure. Start out shaky … Continue reading »

Categories: Experience | Tags: , , | Comments Off on The Other Side of Experience

Donut Day

The arrival of each new child in a family is a blessing; unless you happen to be one of the kids who already staked a claim in that territory. Claim jumping is serious business. It’s hard not to feel a little displaced when everyone’s so focused on the new guy. We tried to be sensitive … Continue reading »

Categories: Traditions | Tags: , , | Comments Off on Donut Day


Like so many other topics in life the subject of money eventually catches our kids’ attention. After years spent riding in the seat of a shopping cart they’ve seen a magical process take place, again and again. Apparently you can walk into a store and take anything you want, as long as you give the … Continue reading »

Categories: Allowance, General | Tags: | Comments Off on Allowance

Wooden Spoons

Regardless of their age, men often resemble pack animals in their need to find out where they stand in the hierarchy. Boys are famous for testing themselves against their dads; it’s just a natural part of the process of growing up. One night at the dinner table, Tucker decided to demonstrate the latest “thing” going … Continue reading »

Categories: Discipline | Tags: , , | Comments Off on Wooden Spoons


Our family has lots of code words. Many of them began with things the boys said incorrectly when they were young and we just adopted them as our personal alternatives to the correct phrases. Others grew out of a desire to be discrete. When our boys needed to use the bathroom they often said they … Continue reading »

Categories: Fun, General, Traditions | Tags: | Comments Off on EEeee!
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