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Setting Good Examples

As we think about the importance of preparing our children for an uncertain world, we have to weigh the potential impact of our activities on our kids. Things that seemed OK before we had kids suddenly take on new implications. I can still remember my parents deciding to do away with their liquor cabinet when … Continue reading »

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Moving Mountains

We devoted a lot of time to laying a foundation for our boys’ faith as they were growing up. We read Bible stories and prayed each night before bed. We went to Sunday school and church each week. We tried various forms of family devotionals. We brought the boys along when we served meals and … Continue reading »

Categories: Faith, Moments, Wonders | Tags: | Comments Off on Moving Mountains

Jesus Freaks

The Bible teaches that we are to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” There are those who wish that God had been a little more specific and commanded something more like a joyful “melody” instead, but for some reason He didn’t. That was, no doubt, for the best. Had He been more specific, every … Continue reading »

Categories: Faith, General, Moments | Comments Off on Jesus Freaks
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