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He Bear, She Bear

Karen and I both enjoy reading a lot. The path between our house and the library is well worn. We like a lot of the same things, but we also have our own preferences. My tastes tend to run from non-fiction books about science to science fiction, while Karen enjoys mostly fiction. We share an … Continue reading »

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Getting Ahead of Ourselves

One of the advantages of waxing eloquent about your own parenting is that you can highlight the successes and gloss over the mistakes. Not that WE would ever do such a thing, of course! ;-) The truth is that there are a few things we wish we could do over. Usually they had to do … Continue reading »

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Loaded Omelet Biscuits

When Philip was in the 6th grade he couldn’t wait to go to his first middle school Christmas dance. The dance was coming up on a Friday and it was all he could talk about.  On the Wednesday prior, just as Karen was walking out the door to pick him up from school, the phone … Continue reading »

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He Peeked at me!

Philip’s arrival was a big deal for our family. For the last several generations the Burke family has produced only brother/sister pairs, so the novelty of having a third child was quite a spectacle. Having all three be boys who were capable of carrying on the Burke family name was downright newsworthy! When your family … Continue reading »

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Growing up involves many milestones. The first few tend to be moments that inspire family videos and excited phone calls to grandparents. Our first laugh, first words, and first steps are enormously important events in our development, and they deserve to be celebrated, but most of us probably aren’t particularly aware at the time that … Continue reading »

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