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He Peeked at me!

Posted by on December 22, 2013

Philip’s arrival was a big deal for our family. For the last several generations the Burke family has produced only brother/sister pairs, so the novelty of having a third child was quite a spectacle. Having all three be boys who were capable of carrying on the Burke family name was downright newsworthy! When your family name is a verb you have a duty to keep things going, if for no other reason than to live down the infamy.

The importance of the Philip’s birth was not lost on Gerrit and Tucker. They took their responsibilities as big brothers very seriously. For weeks prior to the big event they talked to Karen’s stomach to get acquainted with their new brother. They helped get his room ready and offered all sorts of ideas about how they could include him in their activities once he arrived. It was an important mission and they were up to the task.

It’s no wonder then that Tucker was so delighted when I brought the boys to the hospital to meet their new brother in person for the first time. Karen placed Philip on Tuck’s lap and, as soon as he heard Tuck’s familiar voice, Philip opened his eye and gave his big brother the thrill of a lifetime.

[He peeked at me!]

originally published 11/3/11| next post Milestones

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